It's no secret that dogs are man's best friend, and we love them dearly. But sometimes they are not the smartest creatures on earth. They may get into things that can be harmful to their health, such as plants. In this blog post, I want to go over 8 common plants that you may not realize can be harmful to your dog.

Azaleas are not poisonous to dogs, but the leaves and flowers can be toxic if ingested in large quantities
The toxicity of azalea plants is due to their high levels of calcium oxalate, which causes irritation and swelling in a dog's mouth
Symptoms include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and difficulty breathing
Oleanders are poisonous to dogs
Oleanders contain a chemical called oleandrin, which is toxic to the heart and central nervous system of mammals including humans and dogs.
The symptoms of oleander poisoning in dogs can include vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, drooling or excessive salivation, weakness or paralysis in the hindquarters (paralysis), dilated pupils (mydriasis), an abnormally fast heart rate (tachycardia) and abnormal blood pressure readings (hypertension).
Daffodils are not poisonous to dogs However, daffodil bulbs and leaves can cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals including cats, horses, goats and cows
If you suspect your dog has ingested a daffodil bulb or leaf, contact your veterinarian immediately
Sago palm (Cycas revoluta)
This is a common houseplant in the US, but it's deadly to dogs because they can't digest the seeds inside of them and they cause intestinal blockages that can kill your dog if not treated immediately! It's also poisonous for cats, birds, fish, rabbits, horses, cows and humans too! Be careful with this one!
Lilies (all varieties) and amaryllis (Hippeastrum)
Toxic to cats as well as dogs, but not usually deadly unless ingested in large quantities or the plant is eaten at the same time as a fatty meal like chicken or turkey.
Lilies are not poisonous to dogs
They can be toxic to cats and other small animals
The plant's toxicity is caused by a substance called lycorine, which is found in the leaves, stems, and flowers of the plant
Symptoms include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors or seizures
In conclusion, it is important to know the dangers of deadly plants to both humans and animals. If you think your pet has eaten something poisonous, seek emergency veterinary care right away!